STP Filing
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Payrun - notification where STP has not been filed
Cassandra Scott
Payrun posted and due date for payment has passed, and payrun has not been submitted for STP, or STP filing has an error
Aaron Wittman
Aaron Wittman
Hi all, This has now been added onto the Employee and using the Power of thought, ok we still need to Type - "Let me know any active Employees who are not STP Qualified" , but of course everyone is thinking this right? You can now Build this XBert.
Jack Colvin
Aaron Wittman 👏
Aaron Wittman
in progress
Cassandra Scott
This would be a great notification re STP Finalisations
Aaron Wittman
under review
Aaron Wittman
Just to confirm this is on a new Employee for STP, Xero provides a IsSTP2Qualified status for each Employee. We can use this to indicate which Employee's are not Qualified for STP2?
Jack Colvin
Aaron Wittman: Confirming, that would be ideal.
Jack Colvin
Aaron Wittman Now's the time for this gem
Aaron Wittman
Jack Colvin This new field is being released right now, and the AI trained to now use this on the Employee. I will update you once done.